In this era of technology where everything is based on different technologies, for this, it is an important thing that teachers try their best to make the best use of this innovative technologies. As it is explained by various peers and teachers, that these technologies are used to facilitate the communication between the students, teachers and other peers. This new form of communications helps the parents to get involved in the learning process of their children. The best way of enhancing this communication forms is by using the social media. There are various social networking sites that are generally used to communicate with each other. Some of the examples of these social networking sites are Facebook, Twitter, Edmo do, LinkedIn and Google+ are some examples while there are many social networking sites that help to make the best use of an education.
It is seen that social media are constantly used approximately by everyone and on an everyday basis. In fact, the study shows that even teenagers are making use of such media. Well, one might argue on this, that should we use in such media in educational sectors, although we know the problems and issues that are related to such media? However, others might reason that why we cannot eliminate the use of such a valuable and these accessible resources.
It is seen that social media are constantly used approximately by everyone and on an everyday basis. In fact, the study shows that even teenagers are making use of such media. Well, one might argue on this, that should we use in such media in educational sectors, although we know the problems and issues that are related to such media? However, others might reason that why we cannot eliminate the use of such a valuable and these accessible resources.
In this following sections, here we will discuss the advantages of social media that offer the wide area of education. The problems that might arise due to these media are present and judge that how to cope up and manage them.
Social Media Benefits in Education:
How it benefices the Students:
Developing the communication skills – that students can attain a social confidence from an online interaction, which helps them to feel more secure in different situations.
Increase skills in technologies – that students have become more familiar with new technologies, as well as an increase of social media and other technologies are benefices the students in different ways.
Since there are many students who are already using these forms of technologies, and they are getting more engaged in this type of learning process.
Social media can also be a source to increase talent to work on group projects.
Students are able to develop a positive image of themselves by attaining the best qualities of them. It enhanced the Collaboration by acquiring the information that can easily be accomplished by the students alone, but the problem-solving skills that are often and are better to enhance in this environment. Social media allows the students to work together on different projects. They can also take help from various sites to make their assignment and even they can also Buy Research Papers Online to make their work ease.
Teachers and Schools:
Increased access to the resources that ease your learning process and provides the materials that can be shared a collaboration with teachers and students are helpful for exchanging lesson plans and other information.
Enhanced the Flipping through social media and the relationship between the teachers and students can be improved. In a way, that teacher can upload the course material and other recorded lectures, from where the students can access these materials at their own pace. In classroom teachers guides the students through different activities that are usually clear the concepts.
How students are using social media in schools:
Successes Challenges:
Making safe communities - for some sites that allow the teachers to control the online environments and reducing the dangers that are associated with social media.
Lack of knowledge – A school social media accounts should be managed by someone who has a better understanding of social media.
Encouraging the collaboration – that students can critique and comments on each other's assignments.
Students and Social Media:
It is seen that our students are communicating through social media. While introducing the social media in education is not an easy step to do because for this you have to ignore all the possible consequences that might seek your intentions. For this, you have to search the valid information and have to do keen observations. There are many research paper on this topic because it seems that rapid enhancement of social media affects the students and due to this their study also gets infected. For getting further information you can also get research paper help through various sites.
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