It is usually seen that there are many people who are a handicap, due to this they are suffering from various problems like they are not able to walk or some people are not able to eat and write. These all circumstances make their lives miserable. After observing all these issues and problems of a handicap people, a technology came which replaces the human limbs with technology. There are prosthetic devices that help to restore the functionality of a human being who is suffering from different diseases including amputation or any disorder issues.
Approximately there are two million people who are living in the United States are suffering from the amputation problems, according to the group of amputee coalitions, this is the group for advocacy the issues of amputations issues. As artificial limbs are sophisticated to infuse because there are many amputees who are thinking that this is the best choice. You can do everything that is possible for you, those all works are done easily which you are no able to do before. Some people are finding more feasibility to regain something that is similar to the normal functions.
Cyborg, or live like a prosthetics with custom skins, things like motors and microchips that are used to replicate the natural human motions are getting old in the markets or out of the markets.
Amputees are realizing that they can do everything very easily, according to the incident that is happening when his college was celebrating the party of ultra-marathon runner who lost her left leg in a motorcycle when she was 24 years old. Now, she is working in a clinic name “STEP AHEAD”, a long island prosthetic clinic. This tragedy is not only about the loss of limb it also causes the trauma and some mental disorders because of it hard to accept that he/she has lost his/her limb.
Some people desired that their artificial limbs look like the human limbs, said by the Hugh Herr, who is the head of the “biomechatronics research group” at the media lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a group who is working for developing the robotics devices.
Amputees are now able to live a much easier life as ever before because their lives become much feasible as before. They are able to work by themselves. Some competitors complain about the carbon-fiber prosthetic blades gave an unfair advantage over the able-bodied runner, it is seen that over the 300 military amputees are returned to their duties, after the war because they are able to work as normal human being.
Due to this technology, they are getting much closer to the functions of human limbs. “Myoelectric “hands have movable fingers that can easily grip and gesture naturally, and it can easily move in many ways, in responding to tiny muscular movements which is much relating to limbs. Prosthetic legs are clumsy and it feels heavy, but now these prosthetic legs are now light and come with gyroscopic knees that easily extend, which allows the user to easily climb through the stairs and ride even they can easily ride a bike. These all state of art legs takes the data that how they can walk and climb through stairs. Advance technologies are made of limbs and they are much easier to use, and even they can easily cover in a flash-colored silicon skin that looks so much similar to skin.
These technologies are very helpful for those who are suffering from amputation. There are many dissertations on this topic and their issues. For all these, you can buy dissertation online from various sites.
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